Friday, 28 December 2018

Raspberry Pi RC Lego car

In the next iteration of the Raspberry Pi based controlling of Lego motors I purchased another basic motor previously used with the Ferris Wheel, the aim was to create a simple RC Lego car. The remote control is the same idea as in the RaspiExpress using GuiZero and accessing that over wifi on my Iphone using Real VNC.

Here is a photo of the latest hacked together vehicle:

Here is the code:......Link

Here is a video of it working.... Link

Updated 08/01/19.

New updated GUI using GuiZero.

Here is the updated code: link

Here is what it now looks like:


Saturday, 15 December 2018

3d printed light up Lego Christmas Tree

Kari Lawler has helped out at several jams over the last 18 months and has kindly made some 3d printed christmas trees that slot together and sit nicely on a Lego brick. Here is the relevant info if this something that interests you:

Here is the 3D stl file : link
Here is a video of it working: link
Here is the code : link

To control the light you will need:

  • 1 x neo pixel 
  • 1 x Micro:bit
  • 3 x crocodile clips
  • Power for the Micro:bit

Here are basic images of how it was put together:


Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Blocks controlling blocks

This recycles the code from the RaspiExpress and replaces the GUI buttons with whacking different blocks in Minecraft. This still uses a Raspberry Pi and a Lego motor. The same Edu Kit 3 motor controller/ hat is used. Please see a video below of how the initial test worked.

Here is a link to the code: link
